Apria Healthcare is a corporation that provides in-home healthcare services, including medical equipment and supplies, to patients. Their services frequently involve respiratory therapy, sleep apnea treatment, and the use of medical equipment such as oxygen therapy devices, CPAP machines, and other items.


Apria Healthcare is a market leader in integrated home healthcare services and solutions. They are dedicated to providing patients with services and equipment that allows them to manage their health issues from the comfort of their own homes.


Respiratory Therapy:

Apria provides a variety of respiratory treatments, including oxygen therapy equipment, nebulizers, and CPAP/BiPAP machines for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Treatment:

They specialize in delivering remedies for sleep apnea, a sleep condition characterized by disrupted breathing while sleeping. This involves the use of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and BiPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure) machines to keep the airways open during sleeping.

Home Medical Equipment:

Apria provides a wide range of medical equipment, including hospital beds, wheelchairs, walkers, and other devices that improve mobility and assist patients’ well-being at home.

Infusion Therapy:

They provide infusion services at home for patients who need intravenous drugs, nourishment, or other therapy.

Nutritional Support:

Apria provides enteral nutrition supplies and equipment to patients who require nutritional support via feeding tubes.

Wound Care:

They provide wound care products and help to people suffering from chronic wounds or recovering from surgery.

Patient Care

Apria Healthcare prioritizes individualized treatment and assistance for patients. They frequently have a team of healthcare specialists, such as respiratory therapists and clinicians, who interact with patients to ensure appropriate equipment usage, answer concerns, and give advice on how to manage their diseases.

Coverage and Locations

Apria operates throughout the United States and provides patients with a variety of insurance coverage alternatives, including private insurance and government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.

Online Resources

Apria’s website normally contains information about their treatments, equipment, insurance coverage, and resources for patients to learn about their ailments and how to manage them efficiently at home.

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