Metabolism is the complicated series of chemical events that take place in the body to sustain life. It includes activities like transforming food into energy, constructing and repairing tissues, and regulating numerous biological functions.

Metabolism is frequently separated into two categories:


Catabolism is the breakdown of bigger molecules into smaller ones, which releases energy in the process. Food, for example, is broken down into nutrients that the body may utilise during digestion.


Anabolism is the process of constructing complex molecules from simpler ones, which requires energy. One example is the process of muscle protein synthesis, which results in the formation of new muscle tissue.

Metabolism regulates our weight since it determines how many calories our bodies burn in order to sustain fundamental processes and execute physical activity. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the rate at which our bodies burn calories while at rest. Several variables can affect your metabolism and, as a result, your weight:


Metabolism slows with age, resulting in a progressive drop in BMR.

Body Composition:

Muscle tissue burns more calories when at rest than fat tissue. A greater BMR can be attributed to having more muscular mass.


Because to variations in muscle mass and hormone levels, men have a greater BMR than women.


Genetic variables can influence an individual’s metabolic rate as well as how their body uses and stores energy.

Physical exercise:

Regular physical exercise burns more calories and has a favorable effect on metabolism.


Hormones, such as thyroid hormones, play an important part in metabolic regulation. Hormone imbalances might have an impact on metabolic rate.


The type and quantity of food you consume might have an impact on your metabolism. Protein-rich diets, for example, might modestly enhance the thermic effect of food (TEF), which is the amount of energy required to digest, absorb, and assimilate nutrients.

Caloric Intake:

Consuming more calories than your body requires might contribute to weight gain because surplus energy is stored as fat.

Fasting or crash diets:

Extreme calorie restriction can cause metabolism to slow down as the body attempts to save energy.

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